Lessons and reflections from module 1 of Eckhart Tolle’s Conscious Manifestation Course

Conscious Manifestation is combining the “doing” aspect of our lives — the work we do and activities we engage in — with the “being” aspect of us — the essence of who we really are. Eckhart says:

Many teachings on manifestation focus almost exclusively on [doing], suggesting that if you get what you want, you will be happy. But that’s a fallacy; everybody eventually finds if they only [focus on doing], they may get what they want, but it doesn’t ultimately satisfy them.

Eckhart’s Conscious Manifestation Course intends to realize the connection between the work we do, our purpose in this world, and our own spiritual realization. Spiritual realization or awakening is more than just believing in God or divine power, it’s realizing the divine consciousness within us and all of creation. It is what connects us to everyone and everything.

Becoming aware of our thinking

The first step in spiritual realization is becoming aware of our thoughts. Eckhart teaches that we are manifesting our reality whether we realize it or not. If we stop for a moment and take a close look at our thoughts, they will show us why our relationships are so hard, why we stay in unfulfilling jobs, and why we live with an underlying sense of unease, fear, and disappointment. It’s not our past, present, or predicted future that’s the problem — it’s how we’re thinking about our lives that’s the problem.

So if we’re unhappy with what our thoughts are manifesting, how do we change them? It begins with becoming aware of what we’re thinking. Change cannot happen without awareness of the problem. Once we begin to watch our thoughts, a new dimension comes in. We’ve tapped into the realm of our Inner Being.

Realizing the Power and Peace of our Inner Being

Recognizing our Inner Being as the innermost immortal and indestructible essence of who we are, our true source of power and creativity — the loving and compassionate force of Universal Intelligence — is the beginning of spiritual awakening. Eckhart says that spiritual awakening is not necessarily about seeing angels, talking to God, or realizing past life experiences. It’s about realizing our Inner Being as who we really are, and that’s done by rising above the thinking mind or ego.

Manifesting from ego vs. creating from Inner Being

The theory of the Law of Attraction states that our predominant way of thinking influences how we experience our lives. If you’ve read any of the books on manifesting and tried it yourself, you know that it can work. However, most of the manifesting practices focus on getting something: a promotion, house, car, and the like. There’s nothing wrong with those things, but if you’re only wanting them to enhance your sense of self, then you’re manifesting from ego. And the ego is a bottomless pit — it’s never fulfilled. While there are good reasons not to make the ego an enemy, it is the nature of our egoic mind to be constantly seeking, wanting, and never arriving.

When we’re in touch with our Inner Being, getting and achieving things is no longer a priority. We can appreciate them but we no longer need them to make us happy or to fill our sense of self-worth.

Practices to tap into our Inner Being

The purpose of week 1 of the course is to get in touch with our Inner Being, which is the beginning of spiritual awakening. Here are some exercises to deepen your practice:

  • Read or listen to spiritual texts that resonate with you. Eckhart resonates with me and listening to him through this course and his books takes me deeper into myself. But we’re all different and there are teachers for all of us. It may be your faith, a religious figure, a motivational speaker, or a mentor that speaks to you.
  • Journal daily. Even if it’s only for 5-10 minutes, journaling gets your thoughts out of your head and onto paper. And when we go back and read what we’ve written, it can provide valuable insight into how our thoughts control our emotions and ultimately our lives.
  • Check in with your thoughts. Watch your thoughts throughout the day and see what’s playing on the movie screen of your mind.
  • Meditate. If meditating is a challenge for you (as it is for me) try some of the techniques in this post: Meditation and ADHD: Rehab for your Brain.


Here’s how I have changed since I first took this course two years ago. You can read more about my journey in this post.

  • I no longer dwell on past resentments and guilt. And I don’t obsess and worry about the future. Letting go of those thoughts has released me from a great deal of pain and suffering.
  • I feel a greater sense of compassion and connection to everything: people, nature, animals, the cosmos. I have an awareness of the collective consciousness and feel a connectedness that I certainly didn’t have before beginning on my spiritual path.
  • I’ve begun to drop the labels that we like to use to define ourselves. I don’t see myself or others as only our race, gender, sexuality, education, and achievements. We are all the same.
  • I’m aware of an underlying sense of peace within me. Whatever happens, I know that I’m going to be alright. That doesn’t mean that I don’t grieve, suffer, or get angry. I do. But I have a sense that I won’t be completely devastated if tragedy strikes.
  • Many of my fears have disappeared. I have a very different opinion on death and I don’t fear what’s going to happen in the future.
  • I feel compelled to be authentic and live authentically. And I want to help others do the same.

But, week one of this course has shown me that my inner critic and judgment are still present and like to creep in when I’m not looking. And my mind is rarely still and quiet. While my thoughts are no longer mostly negative, they’re repetitive, irrelevant, and don’t serve me.

Spiritual awakening is not about perfection, it’s a practice for me. It’s about being flawed and striving to live authentically in the essence of who I am, while also serving others.

With You on the Journey,


Please join me on Instagram, FB, and LinkedIn @jackiejreid for practices throughout the week.

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