Lessons and reflections from Module 3 (The tools of Conscious Manifestation) of Eckhart Tolle’s Conscious Manifestation Course

Wealth, health, and relationships are areas most of us struggle with and want to improve. Affirmations are a tool we can use to manifest a better income, healthier body, or partner. But it’s vital to remember, says Eckhart, that lasting satisfaction cannot be found outside of ourselves. If we’re looking for an event, accomplishment, or a person to make us happy and fulfilled, we will be disappointed again and again.

The ultimate source of satisfaction is recognizing ourselves as consciousness itself. This means the consciousness — or Divine Intelligence — that pervades all of creation is also within you and me. Eckhart refers to this as accessing our Inner Being or the transcendent dimension.

When we’re in touch with our transcendent Inner Being, we recognize that we’re already complete, fulfilled, and abundant. Therefore, we no longer need outer things to fulfill us. That doesn’t mean we can’t appreciate and enjoy outer things, it means we don’t need them to enhance our sense of self-worth. And that’s more than a game-changer — it’s a life-changer.

Steps to Manifesting Consciously

Access the Transcendent Dimension

The main point of conscious manifestation is to ask: What does the universe want to create through me? And, How can I bring consciousness into my work, relationships, and life? To find the answers, we need to move beyond our thinking mind and into the transcendent dimension of our Inner Being.

We access the transcendent dimension when we quiet our thinking minds. When our minds are still and quiet, we can realize ourselves as our true essence beyond our name, personality, and physical body. Meditation is a key component to quieting the mind and accessing the transcendent dimension. A guided meditation on accessing Inner Being and additional practices can be found here.

Conscious Affirmations

Eckhart teaches that when we’re in touch with our Inner Being and realize the abundant nature of the universe, our affirmations become empowered and energized.

  • Keep affirmations in the present tense and feel you already have them. For example say, “My life is filled with creativity, abundance, love, and joy.” Say it out loud and write it down 10-15 times as you say it.
  • Consider your intentions. What are you trying to manifest and why? Who does it benefit most? Be honest and dig deep.
  • Be aware of the guidance you’re receiving. Just because you encounter an obstacle (or two or three) doesn’t mean you’re not in alignment with your Inner Being. Is fear blocking you? What are you afraid of? Are you coming from the egoic sense of scarcity rather than the universal reality of infinite abundance?
  • Spend no more than 10 minutes a day on affirmation practice. Then leave it and focus on being present in whatever you’re doing now.
  • Show up and take action to manifest your affirmations.
  • Release attachment to the outcome. Know that whatever happens, you’re going to be alright.

Ego Awareness

Eckhart cautions to be aware of being guided by ego rather than your Inner Being. One sure way to know is to watch how you react to challenges. Are you irritated, defensive, stressed, impatient, and so on? It doesn’t work to practice conscious affirmations in the morning and then spend your day complaining, criticizing, and condemning others. Harboring negative thoughts lowers your vibrational energy and blocks the universal creativity that wants to flow through you.


Three weeks into this course I’ve observed how my mind is rarely quiet and still. Even when I don’t need to think my mind chatters on. But the context of the chatter has changed. Thoughts of past grievances still pop up but they don’t take me over. And I no longer worry about the future, which is a huge relief.

As Steve Taylor describes in his book, The Leap, awakening isn’t a destination, but the beginning of a different journey:

Awakened people continue to develop. They continue to find new resources inside themselves, uncover new potentials and energies, and evolve new aspects and depths of their relationships with themselves, with other human beings, and with the world in general.

Steve Taylor, The Leap

I understand what Steve is talking about now. Spiritual awakening is a journey in which we evolve along the way. It’s fluid and ever-changing.

My purpose is to share my experiences along this journey and to support anyone else that decides to hop aboard.

With you on the journey,


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