There’s a theory called the Law of Attraction that states: whatever we think about most of the time becomes our reality.

The theory is based on the belief that thoughts and feelings are a form of energy, and energy vibrations attract “like” energy vibrations. Essentially, negative thoughts attract negative outcomes, and positive thoughts attract positive outcomes.

The theory is said to have originated in ancient Eastern teachings, but the term “Law of Attraction” first appeared in print in the late 1800s in writings by the Russian philosopher, Helena Blavatsky. The theory became more widely known in the 1900s with Wallace Wattle’s The Science of Getting Rich, (1903), Napoleon Hill’s, Think and Grow Rich, (1937), and exploded in 2006 with Rhonda Byrne’s The Secret.

Everything that’s coming into your life you are attracting into your life. And it’s attracted to you by virtue of the images you’re holding in your mind. It’s what you’re thinking. Whatever is going on in your mind you are attracting to you.

The Secret

Potential pitfalls

There’s plenty of criticism of the theory. What about starving children in Africa, the thousands killed in natural disasters, or victims of the Holocaust? Did they attract those horrors because of their thoughts? Die-hard believers of the Law of Attraction say, yes — at least partially.

Proponents of the theory believe that nothing (good or bad) can happen to you if you’re not on the same vibrational frequency. That includes not only our individual frequency but also the collective frequency of a group or nation. So, proponents suggest that the collective vibrational frequency of Africa attracts hunger, poverty, and disease because that’s the frequency the nation as a whole is vibrating.


  • One of the biggest criticisms of The Law of Attraction is that people may start to blame themselves for situations out of their control, such as major illnesses, natural disasters, and accidents.
  • Not seeking medical treatment for a major illness because of the belief they will be healed
    • I have witnessed the devastation of depression and the miracle of pharmaceutical intervention. There are times when medical treatment is not only necessary but critical.
  • Expecting that whatever we intensely focus on will be delivered to us without any effort whatsoever. So, instead of working towards a goal, one sits back and waits for the universe to provide.

It’s easy to see how the theory could garner not only criticism but outrage. But whether we believe in the theory to the extreme or not, is there any scientific truth to it?

The Science of Vibration & Intention

Proponents of the Law of Attraction point to quantum physics as “proof” of the theory’s legitimacy. But, after hours of research and a fascinating (yet mind-blowing) detour into the bizarre world of quantum physics, science doesn’t back the theory. The scientific community views the Law of Attraction as a pseudoscience with no scientific evidence supporting it.

However, science is ever-changing. While science doesn’t directly support the Law of Attraction, advances in quantum physics are connecting neuroscience with not only human consciousness but physical reality as well. What?? Yep.

Stay with me…this gets good. Weird, but good.


Quantum physics tells us that matter (at its subatomic level )is actually not solid but vibrating energy.

All things in our universe are constantly in motion, vibrating. Even objects that appear to be stationary are in fact vibrating, oscillating, resonating, at various frequencies. 

Scientific American

In addition, different vibrating objects/processes will often “sync up” when they’re in close proximity to one another.

A flock of birds flying over a shore at sunset.
  • Fireflies of certain species start flashing in sync in large gatherings
  • Swarms of birds and bees will fly in synchrony to avoid predators
  • Pendulum clocks on a wall, within about a half-hour, will end up swinging in exactly the opposite direction from each other, regardless of how the pendulums began


A recent article published in Forbes details a double-slit electron experiment presented in the New Journal of Physics. Researchers found that an observer can actually change the outcome of an experiment based on their expectations.

It’s as though the electrons “know” whether you’re watching them or not. The very act of observing this setup, of asking “Which slit did each electron pass through?“, changes the outcome of the experiment.

Ethan Siegel, Forbes Oct. 2020

Another experiment in 2017 boldly claimed, “An odd space experiment has confirmed that, as quantum mechanics says, reality is what you choose it to be.”

The researchers measured the behavior of photons by bouncing them off satellites in space. The experiment showed that an observer could make the decision whether a photon would behave like a wave or particle even after the photon had made its way almost completely through the experiment. The photon’s nature remained undefined even over thousands of kilometers until the experimenter decided how to measure it.

The Law of Attraction & Spirituality

At its core, The Law of Attraction is based on aligning our energy vibration with God or the universe. By using grateful, positive thoughts and focusing only on what we want, we change our frequency and attract positive things into our lives. This includes everything: wealth, health, relationships, etc.

Using The Law of Attraction

Jack Canfield, co-creator of the Chicken Soup for the Soul series, and a contributor to The Secret, says the Law of Attraction is a three-step process: ask, believe, and receive.

  1. Ask the universe for what you want, NOT for what you don’t want
    • Every day, whether we’re aware of it or not, we send out requests to the universe in the form of thoughts. Most of our thoughts are not intentional: they are random, irrelevant, and reactive responses to situations
    • Become deliberate about what you think and feel. Think about exactly what you want and practice feeling as if you already have it. If you want a new job, practice feeling what the perfect job would feel like. What would your day look like? Who would you be spending time with? What would your work environment feel like?
    • The more you focus on what you do want instead of what you don’t want, the faster you’ll manifest your dreams and goals
  2. Believe you’ll get what you want, then take action
    • Ask for what you want and then go about your life with the certainty that the universe or God will provide it for you.
    • Know that you are good enough in every way: deserving, lovable, smart, strong, attractive, talented
    • Take action towards your goal affirming your belief that what you want is within reach
  3. Receive what you want by becoming a vibrational match for it
    • Focus on creating positive emotions of love, joy, and gratitude throughout your day. Catch yourself when your emotions turn negative and think of something to be grateful for (there’s always something).
    • Practice putting conscious effort into attracting what you want every day. It takes time and practice to shift from negative thinking.

Concluding thoughts

I listened to Think and Grow Rich on cassette tapes back in 2000, and watched The Secret documentary when it was released in 2006. We gave copies of The Secret to all our employees, hosted a conference on the principles of the book, and created vision boards.

I kept the vision board from 2006 for a few years. While I wasn’t intently focused on the board I did notice it every time I sat down at my desk. And many of the things on the board I achieved. I haven’t made another vision board, but I write out yearly goals and several of them are also achieved. So, from personal experience, I can say that having intention about what you want does work. I did find that my vision board (which I saw every day in my office) had greater success than the yearly goals I kept on my computer and looked at once a year.

Whether we believe in the Law of Attraction or not, there is at least some evidence of the synchrony of vibrating energy and the power of conscious intention to change an outcome.

There’s nothing wrong with having nice things. But things cannot bring lasting joy and inner peace. Regardless of what I achieved, I still had an underlying sense of unfulfillment fueled by fear. It wasn’t until I began seeking my true Self — underneath the noise in my mind — that I had a glimpse of what it truly meant to be complete and fulfilled. True joy and inner peace only come from being connected to God, remembering the divine being that we are, and embracing the present moment.

In November 2020, Rhonda Byrne’s released, The Greatest Secret. With contributors such as Deepak Chopra, Byron Katie, and Eckhart Tolle, this book is aiming for the deeper meaning of true happiness — the joy and peace within.

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