A Teaching:

One of the most beautiful compensations in life is that no person can help another without helping themselves.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

A Truth:

A few weeks ago I had the honor of gathering with a group of longtime friends for a much-needed weekend at the beach.

We laughed so hard our bellies hurt, danced without care around a bonfire, sang off-key to Queen, and stared in wonder at the magnificence of the sun rising from the sea and setting back into it. Along the way, we shed a few tears, released some burdens, and shared our challenges without fear or worry.

It seems many of us (myself included) came into the weekend with the expectation of getting away from life’s problems for a little while. But I think we left with something much greater — I know I did.

I was reminded that helping someone doesn’t always mean doing something to solve their problems. That simply being present and listening with compassion and without judgment is often the greatest help we can offer another.

A Take-away:

My weekend reminded me of the healing power of friendship, love, and support. We didn’t solve anyone’s problems, of course. That’s not what we’re meant to do. We did something deeper and more meaningful. We bore witness to each other’s challenges and were reminded of an ultimate truth: we are never, ever alone.

Here’s a morning prayer I adapted from Thich Nhat Hanh to remind me to be present and lend compassion throughout the day:

Waking up this morning, I smile,

A brand new day is before me.

I vow to live fully in each moment,

And to look at all beings,

With eyes of compassion.

When we give unconditional love and compassion to another we also give it to ourselves. What gift could be greater?

🎄Merry Christmas! Left to right: me, Angie, Claudia, Jackie, Cathy, Kim, and front and center (where she belongs 🤩), Natasha. 🎄
Photos courtesy of A.McKinley Photography 💛 : https://www.facebook.com/amckinleyphotography; @amckinleyphoto

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