Enemies of Life – Fear and Lethargy

Enemies of Life – Fear and Lethargy

A Teaching: Every morning, two gremlins are at the foot of the bed, challenging us and threatening us: fear and lethargy. Fear says, it’s too much, it’s too big for you. You can’t handle this life. And lethargy says, chill out. Tomorrow’s another day, turn on the...
How Do We Know We’re On The Right Path?

How Do We Know We’re On The Right Path?

Am I on the right path? Is this what I’m supposed to be doing with my career and life? I ask myself these questions often, particularly when faced with challenges. But how do we know when we’re aligned with our life’s purpose and what the universe...
Vulnerability, Truth-Telling, God, and Glennon Doyle

Vulnerability, Truth-Telling, God, and Glennon Doyle

It’s early morning and a steady rain is falling. My Hoka’s are soaked with rain and the water squishes around my toes as my feet strike the pavement. I don’t usually run in the rain — that’s a level of dedication I’m just not up for — but...
Setting Conscious Boundaries

Setting Conscious Boundaries

In the last post, we looked at the harmful effects of enabling and how it isn’t healthy or helpful for anyone.  And we learned how important it is to set boundaries not only for our own peace and well-being but also for the person being enabled.   If we...
Expert Advice on How Enabling is Harmful and How to Stop

Expert Advice on How Enabling is Harmful and How to Stop

It’s natural to want to help those we care about. But when we passively permit or unwittingly encourage problematic behavior in others, our “helping” becomes the destructive process of enabling. Here’s advice from mental health experts on how...
3 Steps to Get Clear on What You Really Want

3 Steps to Get Clear on What You Really Want

In the last post, we looked at how focusing on only what we want (rather than what we don’t want) attracts the positive outcomes we’re seeking in our lives. But what if we’re not crystal clear on what we really want? What if we know we want a new job...