Strange Science and the Law of Attraction

Strange Science and the Law of Attraction

There’s a theory called the Law of Attraction that states: whatever we think about most of the time becomes our reality. The theory is based on the belief that thoughts and feelings are a form of energy, and energy vibrations attract “like” energy...
Life is a Mirror Reflecting Our Inner World

Life is a Mirror Reflecting Our Inner World

Just as relationships can be our greatest teachers by bringing out the best and worst in us; our lives are reflections of our inner worlds and can show us hidden parts of us that we need to work on. In Shakti Gawain’s classic, Living in the Light, she explains:...
How Difficult Relationships are Our Greatest Teachers

How Difficult Relationships are Our Greatest Teachers

The relationships with those closest to us are often the source of our greatest joy but also our deepest pain. Our parents, siblings, partners, and children all seem to have the power to instantly bring us to our knees. Few experiences hurt more than feeling unloved...
Love & Joy? Yes! Here’s How

Love & Joy? Yes! Here’s How

What is love? It may be different than what you think. True love is feeling the presence of God in your own Being and in that of every other human and creature, says spiritual teacher, Eckhart Tolle. He describes love, joy, and peace as three states of connectedness...
Healing Loneliness in Teens & Young Adults

Healing Loneliness in Teens & Young Adults

How can you connect with another person when you cannot connect with yourself?Thich Nhat Hanh Even before terms such as quarantine, isolation, and social distancing became part of daily life, America’s loneliness epidemic has been steadily growing for decades....
Troubleshooting Byron Katie’s “The Work”

Troubleshooting Byron Katie’s “The Work”

In my last post, I shared my experience with Byron Katie’s The Work on painful thoughts about my deceased mother. After receiving feedback from others new to The Work, and encountering questions myself, this post addresses frequently asked questions when doing...

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